Advanced and algorithmic graph theory
3 Lecture/1 Practical
(MAT.464 / MAT.465)
E. Dragoti-Çela
Department of Discrete Mathematics
This course deals with concepts from graph theory such as connectivity, trees and decompositions,
Hamiltonian cycles, planar graphs, graph coloring, perfect graphs, covering problems and random graphs.
Most of the topics will be discussed both from a theoretical and from an algorithmical point of view.
Hence also a number of topics from the field
of algorithmic graph theory and optimization problems in graphs will be considered.
The main sources of literature
The practical assessment will be permanent and based on a score of points collected as follows
The writen exam will take place on June 30, 8:15-10:00, in SR AE06 (TUGonline-Name STEG050);
the registration for the exam has to be done via TUGonline.
The overall score is computed as follows
P= 3 * ((k)/(k_a)) + 12*(t) + 15 (p),
k number of exercise examples prepared all along the course,
k_a overall number of exercise examples which have been available during the course,
t overall sum of points obtained by presenting exercise examples in the class (scaled between 0 and 1)
p score of the written exam (scaled between 0 und 1),
Grade obtained for the practical according to the overall score:
5 0 <= P < 15
4 15 <= P <= 18
3 18 < P <= 22
2 22 < P <=26
1 26< P
The lecture will be assessed by an oral examination.
The dates for the oral exams will be specified in agreements with the students.
There will be up to 3 Dates per term if needed;
they will be announced in TUGonline on time;
The registration for the oral examination should be done via TUGonline.
1st work sheet (pdf), to be discussed on March 14
2nd work sheet (pdf), to be discussed on April 14
3d work sheet (pdf), to be discussed on April 28
4th work sheet (pdf), to be discussed on Mai 23
5th work sheet (pdf), to be discussed on June 9 and June 16
6th work sheet (pdf), to be discussed on June 23
Last update: June 2016