Mathematische Modelle in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
WS 2000/2001, 2 VO/1 UE
A. Berman and R.J. Plemmons,
Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences,
Academic Press, New York, 1979.
F. Glover, D. Klingman und N. Phillips,
Network Models in Optimization and their Application in Practice,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1992.
A. Graham,
Nonnegative Matrices and Applicable Topics in Linear Algebra,
Horwood, Chichester, 1987.
F.S. Hillier und G.J. Lieberman,
Operations Research - Einführung,
Oldenburg Verlag, München, 1988.
K.G. Murty,
Operations Research - Deterministic Optimization Models,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995.
K. Neumann und M. Morlock,
Operations Research,
Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 1993.
F. Roberts,
Discrete Mathematical Models - With Applications to Social, Biological and Environmental Sciences,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976.
W.L. Winston,
Operations Research - Applications and Algorithms,
Duxbury Press, Belmont, CA, 1993.
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